When Your Kid Doesn’t Look Like You
<p>When she was about 5, I had someone I worked with ask me, “What is it like having a child that doesn’t look like you?” Completely genuine and curious was the questioner. I didn’t know how to answer. I know she looks more like her father then she looks like me, which as she has gotten older more of the traits from me are starting to appear. I also know no matter how old she is there will still be people shocked she is my daughter. Maybe shocked isn’t the right word, confused seems to be what her classmates are when they first meet me if there is any reaction. Kids are awesome that way, a brief flicker of a question in their eye and then on to the next thing, and return to what I am, another classmate’s mom sitting at the table with them making paper plate sea creatures.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@anna_sihon/when-your-kid-doesnt-look-like-you-8fe3c2ad36c5"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>