Tag: Clarences

Revisiting the groping allegation against Clarence Thomas

In1999, Moira Smith helped volunteer at a high-powered Washington, D.C.-area dinner party attended by some political luminaries. As she was setting out plates and silverware, the then 24-year-old recent Georgetown University graduate felt an unwanted hand on her buttocks. She said it wa...

Let’s “Scalia” Clarence Thomas

Sonam Sheth of Business Insider has reported that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had a loan of over $250,000 forgiven in 1999 by a wealthy friend in the Healthcare Industry. Thomas did not report this debt forgiveness on any of his “ethics forms.” The reporter did not disclose if ...

Clarence Thomas is an Inferior Justice — and He Knows it

Ido not publicize this conclusion lightly. I am painfully aware of the historic stereotype about the intellectual capacities of Black men in America. As much as anyone can in the modern theater, I have lived the experience fully. But after thorough examination over an extended period of time, it is ...