Tag: Civilizations

Mexico City: Cradle of Civilizations, Witness to History

Mexico City, also known as Ciudad de México or CDMX, is a vibrant and diverse metropolis located in the heart of North America. Its history is a fascinating tapestry of pre-Columbian civilizations, Spanish colonization, and the struggle for independence, which has shaped the rich culture and ...

History of Divination Tools Used in Ancient Civilizations

The history of divination is as old as civilization itself. From the simplest methods of reading tea leaves and entrails to the use of complex oracles, humans have always been fascinated by the prospect of gaining insight into the future. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the mo...

The Waif Bias and the Illusion of Western Civilization

Itturns out that Blacks in Africa have been hiding their advanced intelligence for almost half a million years. Whites have only recently struggled to evolve mentally to catch up as those of Black African Descent have patiently waited. White in Northeast Europe of Ango-Saxon Descent in particular ha...

Civilization’s First Kiss

According to the New York Times in a article Who Kissed First by Franz Linz 2/13/24: Recent research indicates people have been kissing each other on the lips at least a thousand years before previously thought. Studies of the Mesopotamia culture led researchers to adjust their dates of th...

Can Technological Civilizations Move Stars?

Sergey Brin, the brilliant Tech billionaire who co-founded Google, is building an airship at a cost of 250 million dollars, that would allow him to carry his home to wherever he goes. Could this concept be extended to the solar system as a whole? Might we want to take the Sun wit...

Can Technological Civilizations Move Stars?

Sergey Brin, the brilliant Tech billionaire who co-founded Google, is building an airship at a cost of 250 million dollars, that would allow him to carry his home to wherever he goes. Could this concept be extended to the solar system as a whole? Might we want to take the Sun wit...

Is a More Advanced Civilization an Oxymoron?

If our doomsday clock is close to midnight, then we should not find neighbors that are far more advanced than we are. Is a more advanced civilization an oxymoron? Does the fact that we never reached our neighbors’ doorsteps mean that they would never reach our doorstep? This question...

Echoes of the Ancients: Unraveling the Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations

Welcome to Expedition Echoes, where we journey through the annals of time to explore the enigmatic legacies of ancient civilizations. Join us as we embark on a quest to uncover the secrets of the past, from the towering pyramids of Egypt to the majestic temples of Angkor Wat. Through the whispers of...

The Untold Facts of Ancient Civilizations Revealed

The allure of ancient civilizations has captivated the human imagination for centuries. From the grandeur of the pyramids to the enigmatic whispers of lost cities, the remnants of bygone cultures hold stories waiting to be told. In this exploration, we journey into the heart of history, revealing un...

Oldest Amazonian Civilization

AAAS: “Laser mapping reveals oldest Amazonian cities, built 2500 years ago.” Over the last 2 decades archeaologists have conclusively shown the Amazon was home to complex societies long before the European colonizers arrived, but now a dnese network of interconnected cites in Ecuador&rsq...

6 Earliest Civilizations ?

The first cities emerged around 4000 BCE in Mesopotamia(modern Iraq) and Egypt. The great rivers of these areas made the land fertile and prosperous, providing enough food to support larger communities of people living together. The rulers of some of these early cities became wealthy and p...