6 Earliest Civilizations ?

<p>The&nbsp;<strong>first cities&nbsp;</strong>emerged around 4000 BCE in Mesopotamia(modern Iraq) and Egypt. The great rivers of these areas made the land fertile and prosperous, providing enough food to support larger communities of people living together. The rulers of some of these early cities became wealthy and powerful, taking control of surrounding lands to build the first kingdoms. Some sent their armies to conquer neighboring states, creating the first empires.</p> <p>As Early towns grew, they had to develop new systems of government, new means to store and distribute food, and new ways to protect themselves, The strongest settlements expanded their territory by conquering their neighbours, creating the first empires/kingdoms.</p> <p><a href="https://abdullahehsan.medium.com/6-earliest-civilizations-kingdoms-empires-d895e2ae1741"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>