Tag: Circle

Climate Change Has Come Full Circle

Our modern technological civilization was born out of fossil fuels. Coal. Oil. Natural gas. To this very day most of our industry, transportation and agriculture is still powered by these incredibly dense, portable, storable sources of energy. There is a fly in the ointment though: the burning of th...

Circle Game

In episode 7 of the Hulu/FX series The Bear (“Forks”), Chef Terry (Olivia Colman) tells Richie about how she came to own the three-star restaurant where he’s working as a “stage.” She was down and out; her phone had died; and life just got too depressing si...


  This rum is not for the faint-hearted. It’s gutsy, full of brawn, and bound to knock your socks off if not understood. So I recommend taking it slow and enjoy the ride this rum takes you on of you choose to drink it straight. If it’s too much to appreciate straight, you can ...


While the philosophers of the Vienna Circle (including Rudolf Carnap, Otto Neurath, and the circle’s central figure, Moritz Schlick) had plenty of disagreements, they agreed on some general principles: science and logic are the best tools for understanding the world; a statement is only meanin...

Creating and running a Me & White Supremacy Circle in my organisation

In summer 2020 I felt motivated to extend an invitation to fellow colleagues in my overwhelmingly White organisation to engage in conversations and explorations around race, becoming anti-racist and working towards racial justice. I had wanted to catalyse a conversation like this in Dudley CVS for a...

Where Is The Circle Positioned?

Let us go back to high school algebra class and look at this problem. The circle has radius 1 and is inscribed in the parabola y = x². Can you find the center of the circle Here’s a hint: the circle is tangent to the parabola and  I recommend you pause the article, grab your pe...

How To Find The Area of The Semi-Circle?

This is another simple geometry puzzle I cam across on Twitter created by Catriona, who shares fun and aesthetic geometry problems. This is one of those simple yet satisfying to solve puzzles  Here’s a hint: draw some lines … I recommend you pause the article, grab your pe...

Origins of Circle: Why 360°?

Mesopotamian Origins Picture this: thousands of years ago, in the land of Mesopotamia, the Babylonians were rocking the world with their math skills. They had this nifty little number system based on 60, known as the sexagesimal system. Why 60, you ask? Well, it turns out that 60 is super handy w...

Moser’s Circle Problem: False Induction and A Beautiful Solution.

I recently came across a video by 3Blue1Brown on Moser’s Circle Problem, a math puzzle that has long fascinated me. This enigmatic puzzle first caught my attention in MATH 0235 at the University of Pittsburgh, when added as homework by my professor, Dr. Christopher Lennard. If you’re her...

A Derivation of the Bolt Circle Diameter (BCD) Formula

As you may be aware if you’ve found this guide, a bolt circle is an imaginary circle that passes through the centre of the bolt or screw holes in a round pattern. This is typically a wheel hub on a vehicle, chainring on a bicycle or flange on a pipe. The diameter of this circle is known as the...