Circle Game

<p>In episode 7 of the Hulu/FX series&nbsp;<em>The Bear</em>&nbsp;(&ldquo;Forks&rdquo;), Chef Terry (Olivia Colman) tells Richie about how she came to own the three-star restaurant where he&rsquo;s working as a &ldquo;stage.&rdquo;</p> <p>She was down and out; her phone had died; and life just got too depressing since her earlier business had spectacularly failed. She didn&rsquo;t know where to turn when suddenly she saw a sign. It wasn&rsquo;t entirely metaphorical, either, as the sign actually said &ldquo;restaurant for sale&rdquo; (or &ldquo;building for sale&rdquo; forgive my fragile memory). She knew then and there what to do.</p> <p>Signs give us hope and meaning and sometimes they rescue us from being lost or horribly unmoored.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Circle Game