Tag: Cinemachine

What is Cinemachine and Timeline

Cinemachine is the cameras. It’s the camera from the characters’ view or, say, if you are creating a retro style survival horror with fixed camera angles, it’s those cameras. It’s any cameras that reside within the scene. This includes cutscenes and it can have certain m...

Enhancing Machine Learning Projects: Strategies for Effective Data Handling and Model Performance

Machine learning has revolutionized numerous industries, from finance to healthcare, by enabling the development of intelligent systems capable of making predictions and decisions based on data. However, the success of machine learning projects relies heavily on the proper handling of data and the a...

How to Debug a Machine Learning Model: My Experience with LSTMs as an Example

In machine learning, building a model is just one part of the puzzle. Some basic models are pre-constructed, but the real challenge often arises when a model doesn’t perform as expected. There might be issues with accuracy, or perhaps the model doesn’t handle unseen data well. Debugging ...

Machine Learning System Design: Ad click prediction

Develop a machine learning model to forecast the likelihood of an ad receiving clicks. Before progressing, it’s crucial to grasp the nuances of the ad serving backdrop. Initially, the ad request traverses a waterfall model, wherein publishers endeavor to dispose of their inventory throu...

Phoebe Bridgers Is My Own Personal Torture Machine

I am sad, numb, trying to hold on to things that once made me feel alive. And, as the Goo Goo Dolls dramatically sang, “you bleed just to know you’re alive.” Whenever I feel like emotions are a thing of the past and as though someone has scooped the Matilda out of me, that&rsquo...

Triggering Cinemachine Camera Shake Impulses Without Code

The basic Cinemachine Impulse Source component allows you to create camera shake behavior that you can easily call in code any time you want, but is there a way to trigger it without code? Turns out, you can trigger these impulses using collisions! Let’s create a mine explosion to use as an ex...