Tag: Chronicles

Write For Us: Become a Chic Life Chronicles Contributor

Chic Life Chronicles is a hub where we celebrate the finer things in life, from the latest fashion trends to wellness tips and travel adventures. Our mission is to make lifestyle choices simpler, more enjoyable, and undeniably chic. What We Publish We’re open to a diverse range of conten...

The engineering manager chronicles: Autonomy

In a series of a few posts I would like to share some of the insights I gathered in the last few years as an engineering manager, and some of the philosophies and methodologies that arose from them. Autonomy The one thing we all aspire to. Our team-members (here, when I am talking about a &ldq...

From LA Streets to Chic Galleries: The Palm Frond Chronicles

Ah, urban sprawl — every city has its signature trash. New York flaunts those greasy pizza boxes. Paris has its quaint yet discarded metro tickets. But LA? We’ve gone organic, my friend. The streets of Los Angeles are embellished with fallen palm fronds — nature’s own drop li...

Colorful Chronicles: Exploring the World’s Most Spectacular Mural Art

Mural art is on the rise as a form of art that adds color to streets and enriches cultural tapestries all around the world. In this guide, we will explore cities and destinations that offer more than just tourist attractions. Here are the world’s cities and regions where mural art is at its ...

Xenoblade 3 Chronicles review: Chosen Horizon

If you ask just about anyone who has at least a vague approximation of the Xenoblade series what some of the best music from it is, you’ll get a small assortment of similar answers. There’s Gaur Plains; an unarguably iconic track that plays when the first major area is opened up to ...

The Lifestyle Chronicles: Buenos Aires, Argentina

I’m sitting in a quintessential cafe in Buenos Aires writing this right now. This will be the fourth place I’ve spent an extended period of time living in and working on a multitude of projects. As my time here comes to a close, here are my thoughts and how BA stacks up in all the cat...

Cold Brew Chronicles: Number 3

There’s a hardened, even somewhat morbid sense of humor that develops inside of you when you lose a parent at such a young age. It becomes easier to make jokes about death than to talk seriously about it. In response, Zach told me a story about the time he really knew mom loved me. For back...

Thaloz Chronicles: TechCrunch Disrupt 2023 Recap

TechCrunch, an American global online newspaper focusing on high-tech and startup companies, hosts an annual conference called TechCrunch Disrupt. Once again, the Thaloz team had the privilege of attending. This year, Sebastian Martinez (CEO), Tania Berjis (CRO), Carla Br...

Retirement Chronicles: Merry Christmas Ramblings!

First, I understand that not everyone on Medium recognizes Christmas as a holiday. To those who celebrate Christmas, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Retirees who are alone this Christmas. Not everyone has a loved one or family to celebrate Christmas. Normally, I go along with the volu...

Retirement Chronicles: Merry Christmas Ramblings!

First, I understand that not everyone on Medium recognizes Christmas as a holiday. To those who celebrate Christmas, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Retirees who are alone this Christmas. Not everyone has a loved one or family to celebrate Christmas. Normally, I go along with the volu...

The Syntax Chronicles: (Wo)Men in Tech?

I have to admit that around 2010, I was a real loser when it came to the practical use of computers etc. Although I had been fascinated by everything to do with tech since the 90s, I was totally proud when I managed to make a Power Point presentation, even though I had already created my first websi...

Celestial Chronicles: Balancing the Cosmic Energies for Relationship Bliss

With the Sun conjunct Mercury, express your feelings openly and honestly. The Sun trine Jupiter brings optimism to your romantic endeavors, while the Moon trine Pluto deepens emotional connections. Beware of potential misunderstandings (Mercury square Neptune) and stay grounded in reality. Taurus...

Chronic Chronicles: Navigating Highs, Unveiling Insights

From Puffs to Perspectives: Let’s embark on the journey of Chronic Chronicles with a deep inhale, where I, Aiz, become your guide through the immersive haze of mindful living. Here, we’ll explore the symbiosis of cannabis and consciousness. Join me on this candid voyage of getting my ...

The Orisha Chronicles: Kwame’s Path [Dawn’s Light]

“Soon, you will be a warrior too. The war may end, but our existence as warriors never changes. This is your destiny, child,” his uncle said in a distant tone. Kwame stood there, trying not to let his emotions get the best of him. He didn’t want to cry, not out of fear or sadnes...

Sneaker Head Chronicles: A Journey of Style and Self

At the turn of the millennium, as a young Black teenager in the San Francisco Bay Area, I found my interests evolving. Video games, AOL Instant Messenger, Black Planet, and Napster were replaced with a different, more tactile passion — sneakers. Set to the rhythm of hip hop culture, influenced...

The Lip Filler Chronicles.

One year for Christmas my dad got me some lip plumper because I had blamed him for giving me the “small lips gene.” I called them turtle lips. It was very thoughtful of him to buy that for me. It’s been many years but I still have that lip plumper. I don’t wear it very often....

Hair Chronicles of the Silk Route Civilizations

As we tread the ancient pathways of the Silk Route, we find ourselves amidst civilizations that were not only renowned for their trade and treasures but also their unique hair rituals. These stories are woven intricately with their culture, tradition, and lifestyle. Dive with us into the hair tales ...

Bundesliga Chronicles: A Light-hearted Stroll Down Memory Lane

In the Beginning, There Was Chaos...and Then Came the Bundesliga Imagine Germany in the early '60s, where football was about as organized as a soup sandwich. Clubs were scattered like confetti across various regional leagues, making any attempt at coherence look like a slapstick comedy routine....