The Orisha Chronicles: Kwame’s Path [Dawn’s Light]

<p>&ldquo;Soon, you will be a warrior too. The war may end, but our existence as warriors never changes. This is your destiny, child,&rdquo; his uncle said in a distant tone.</p> <p>Kwame stood there, trying not to let his emotions get the best of him. He didn&rsquo;t want to cry, not out of fear or sadness, but because of a feeling inside him that was too strong to describe. It felt like if he cried, he would lose something essential for his future as a warrior. Yet, despite his efforts, tears mixed with the rain on his face.</p> <p>Around him lay warriors from Kaya-Zuma and other lands, their bodies creating a grim tapestry that crossed all cultural and national boundaries. Each had met their end in struggle and regret. In death, their faces, twisted in agony, were all the same, regardless of where they came from. None of them had wanted to die, but death had taken them anyway. The reason?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>