Tag: Cause

262. Just Cause Update

It is 12th of October. And it is time to write an update on Just Cause. Let’s go! I wrote about Just Cause some time ago (I ran through the entries, and I wrote about it four months ago). Back then, I wrote about my memories and all that jazz. Well, recently, I played it again. From start t...

Santa Cause 2017

Some people say that there is a massive gap between schools in the capital Bangkok and upcountry in terms of resources allocation, funding, quality of education, etc. There probably is but this should not deflect our attention from the countless schools within Bangkok that are no better off then the...

Fighting Against Major Lies: Why Trump’s Latest Remarks Are Cause for Concern

Asthe United States gears up for one of the most divisive and pivotal elections in its history, they have again rocked the political landscape with controversial remarks from President Donald Trump. During a recent speech in Minnesota, Trump urged his supporters to “watch” Black American...

Do Statins Really Cause Dementia?

Dostatins really cause dementia? There have been many differing opinions about what they do. Some claim that it may help to protect one from dementia, while others claim that it may accelerate the onset of dementia. However, recent research suggests that those who do take lipophilic sta...

Is our natural cause of death encoded in our DNA?

It’s crucial to recognize that genetics interact with a multitude of factors throughout our lives. While they may predispose individuals to certain health risks, they do not seal one’s fate in terms of cause of death. Lifestyle decisions, including diet, exercise, smoking habits, stress ...

Why Some People Still Believe Vaccines Cause Autism.

Asa Malaysian, I’m surprised that Malaysia is one of the top countries whose people believe vaccines cause autism (Figure 1). Perhaps we are just not as vocal in voicing this issue, giving the illusion that vaccine hesitancy isn’t prevalent here. The Ipsos Mori Perils of Perception Su...