262. Just Cause Update

<p>It is 12th of October. And it is time to write an update on Just Cause. Let&rsquo;s go!</p> <p>I wrote about Just Cause some time ago (I ran through the entries, and I wrote about it four months ago). Back then, I wrote about my memories and all that jazz. Well, recently, I played it again. From start to finish, and I decided to write about it again. No matter how short it might be.</p> <p>So, I decided to record the walkthrough of Just Cause for my Guitar Improvisation Experiment project. And I did. As I&rsquo;ve already mentioned, I played it from start to finish. And I have a few things to mention.</p> <p>First and foremost, I forgot how devilishly, inconsistently hard it is. And this is a rather weird thing, to say the least. The game itself is easy. The majority of missions could be passed on the first try, no sweat. But then, at some point, there are certain missions that just punish you.</p> <p>Those missions in question are at the end, which is somewhat logical considering that we&rsquo;re approaching the grand finale, and there should be some challenge for a player, however, the spike of the challenge is too damn sudden. Just one mission ago, you were death incarnate doing your thing, and the next, you have to ride around in some bullshit irrigator while an infinite amount of enemies with heavy machine guns and combat helicopter are giving you terminal lead poisoning.</p> <p>But this is just the beginning. An introduction, so to speak. After that, be ready to go on the rampages where anti-air systems try to fuck you up every time you fly something (thank goodness they are dumb as hell, and if you know what you&rsquo;re doing, you can easily mess them up before they have a chance to do so to you).</p> <p>And after that, try to land on the damn ship while your helicopter is shot at with rockets from six directions at once (this is actually my fault; before I realized that anti-air rockets follow you even after the systems were destroyed, I already died at least five times). While heavy machine guns actually turn you into Swiss cheese in a matter of seconds (especially since, after explosions, your health is almost zero).</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@tolyszew/262-just-cause-update-2036dc8f1a83"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Cause Update