Tag: Cases

Top 7 ChatGPT Plugins You Can’t Miss (Practical Use Cases)

There are currently over 500 ChatGPT plugins, and that’s not even counting the ones that will come out in the coming weeks (I’m convinced). That’s too many. But what we need today are the best plugins that truly help us with various daily tasks and make our lives easier That&rsq...

Harnessing ChatGPT for Enhanced DevOps Operations: Comprehensive Guide on Best Practices, Use Cases, and Precautions

In the burgeoning realm of cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a game-changer, particularly in streamlining DevOps workflows. This article, although not written using ChatGPT, delineates my exploration of ChatGPT alongside OpenAI’s Platform Playground tool, shedding l...

Why Use Cases are useless

I read it somewhere that some Android dev team can output twice as much as iOS team because of the “reusability” provided by Clean Architecture. Wait, you mean Bob’s Brute Force Boilerplate? That Clean Architecure? But hey, maybe I was wrong. So I embarked on a...

Youngsters Or Gangsters? The Curious Case Of Mr Schoeller In Budapest

Budapest, the pearl of the Danube, where historic buildings and modern lifestyles mix, is now showing a darker, more mysterious side. The new “celebrities” of the city’s nightlife, Austrian-born Mr Schoeller and his friends, Mr Oeckl „The German”, Mr Szabo and a my...

80+% Increase in Charged Homicide & Firearm Cases

The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office team that responds to these cases is called the Most Dangerous Offenders Project, or MDOP. MDOP Deputy Prosecuting Attorneys are on call 24/7, 365 days a year, and are frequently called on in the middle of the night to respond to homicide scenes...

How to Make a FIRAC: The Best Way to Organize All Your Cases!

Next is the “Ratio” of the case. The Ratio, or often called the rule, is the legal principle that is created from this case. The Ratio is the most important thing to take away because it will be applied to similar cases in the future because of precedent. If the court concluded in one ca...

The importance of use cases for AI in legal and how to discover them

Comments such as “did you even speak to anyone about this”, “this just doesn’t work”, or “it’s just another IT project” are commonplace in technology projects. They are especially common in the legal industry: busy lawyers who don’t even hav...

Unending Line of Abortion Cases

The state ban remains in place until the Supreme Court hearing or decision on what it said was an expedited schedule. As now usual, news stories were alternately headlined as a hearing set on the law, or in Breitbart as, “Supreme Court Blocks Biden Admin’s Attempt to Force Idaho ER Docs ...

The Supreme Court’s Impact on American Law: Landmark Cases and Decisions

Brown v. Board of Education (1954): A watershed moment in American legal history, Brown v. Board of Education declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. This unanimous decision overturned the infamous “separate but equal&rdq...

Data Strategy: Use cases & Ideas

While the advent of generative AI and large language models has taken the tech world by storm over the past 18 months, real-world applications in many industries remain exploratory at best. This is especially true in the pharmaceutical research arena, where the reliability and scalability of these m...

Reviewing Top Rated Smartphone Cases for Protection and Style

In today’s fast-paced world, our smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. We use them for communication, entertainment, productivity, and even as a fashion statement. With the increasing cost of smartphones, it’s essential to protect our devices from accidental drops,...