How to Make a FIRAC: The Best Way to Organize All Your Cases!

<p>Next is the &ldquo;Ratio&rdquo; of the case. The Ratio, or often called the rule, is the legal principle that is created from this case. The Ratio is the most important thing to take away because it will be applied to similar cases in the future because of precedent. If the court concluded in one case, then it should come to the same conclusion in a similar case. Using the same Edwards v AG of Canada case, the Ratio of that case came in two parts. Firstly, women are considered &ldquo;qualified persons.&rdquo; Secondly, the BNA act of 1867 should be read broadly and can grow and evolve over time. This idea is called the &ldquo;living tree doctrine.&rdquo; The judge from that case explained that even if something is not explicitly written down in this document, it can be interpreted to include new areas to fit Canada&rsquo;s evolving social, political, and legal views as the country grows into a modern society.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: FIRAC Cases