Tag: Brains

The Truth About Conscious AI

We need to make sure we’re defining AI the same way. There are two kinds of robots. The first is either controlled by a human being in real time or is programmed to do and say specific things. For example, The Predator is a drone designed to fire missiles at terrorists. The drone itself is not...

How Our Brains Trick Us

If I told you that we all are living in some kind of delusion to differing degrees at any one point in time, would you believe me? The reality is, each one of us lives in the world of our mind and its perceptions of our personal histories, situations and events; this narrative we build in our min...

Are Human Brains Hardwired for God?

Brain activity varies greatly between the type of religious act, indicating that there is no single answer to the hardwired question. Meditating Buddhists monks may experience substantial increases in frontal lobe activity, which is related to executive function and concentration. This goes to sh...

Do and Don’ts for ADHD Brains

While living with ADHD you need understanding of what stays behind it and practice extra actions to manage daily life and mental health. It requires understanding the nuances of how this condition affects focus, energy, and emotional well-being. So I’ve summarized key aspects that could eit...

Why Do We See Faces That Aren’t Real?

The human brain uses the same mechanisms to identify either real or fake faces. Once you’ve seen an imaginary mug, your mind won’t let go of the impression, storing the perception just like it would the image of a real person’s face. One study using brain scans suggest...

Brains, Beauty, and Balance

The Eternal Debate Ever pondered the eternal question of brains versus beauty? Which one holds the key to the universe? Or should we toss the key and just enjoy the ride? Buckle up, folks! We’re about to dive into the deep end of this philosophical pool! Click Here