How Our Brains Trick Us

<p>If I told you that we all are living in some kind of delusion to differing degrees at any one point in time, would you believe me?</p> <p>The reality is, each one of us lives in the world of our mind and its perceptions of our personal histories, situations and events; this narrative we build in our minds encompasses stories we tell ourselves about people, and our relationships with them. We make sense of the world and the objects in them through the way we think about them; the bad news is that our minds often trick us.</p> <p>Yet, Mother nature has her reasons for allowing humans to evolve the way we did. If we lived completely free of delusions, we would either want to end our lives, (just because our brains could not take the painful realities we would need to face up to) or we would be unable to survive and adapt to our environment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Brains Trick