Are Human Brains Hardwired for God?

<p>Brain activity varies greatly between the type of religious act, indicating that there is no single answer to the hardwired question.</p> <p>Meditating Buddhists monks may experience substantial increases in frontal lobe activity, which is related to executive function and concentration. This goes to show the extent of concentration and will that is required of them.</p> <p>Perhaps more interestingly, activity in the parietal lobe decreased dramatically. This lobe allows us knowledge of position in space, that is exactly where we are, and where out body is in relation to other objects. This may serve to explain why people who meditate in this way report feelings of self-transcendence and enlightenment, because achieving this meditative state neurologically removes the feeling of position in three-dimensional space.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>