Tag: Biological

The Truth About Conscious AI

We need to make sure we’re defining AI the same way. There are two kinds of robots. The first is either controlled by a human being in real time or is programmed to do and say specific things. For example, The Predator is a drone designed to fire missiles at terrorists. The drone itself is not...

No, Our Interracial Relationship is Not Your “Biological Erasure”

He loved the video, but voiced his incredulity at the comments in his most gentle Irish way. “This is just insane. It’s a really nice video — why are they being such d*cks?” This isn’t the first time we’ve noticed such commentary on a South Asian woman wit...

The Guardians of Biological Diversity

At the 2023 session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), the UN Secretary-General António Guterres lauded indigenous peoples for their pioneering efforts in protecting nature and preserving biodiversity. The Secretary-General recognized the crucial role of indigenous peopl...

Exploring Best Pathway Analysis Tools for Biological Insights

Today’s world is the world of technology, Biology, and research. Every simple task is performed using tools instead of manually, saving our efforts, money, and time. Using the tools for analysis is normal, but if you are a beginner, it is challenging to spend money on the devices. So, this art...

Foundation models in biological and chemical domains

With hundreds of large biological and chemical models being developed, it seems the field has achieved a lot. However, as the review pointed out, this area is still in its nascent stage. The authors highlight a few challenges, such as the lack of large-scale and high-quality training data, integrati...

Are you ready for the quest for biological immortality?

Life is too short, especially when one has chronic health issues like I do. I am asthmatic/allergic, and I can assure you that I have not had a “normal” life so far. But that’s going to change. In the last 20 years, advanced medical practice has evolved tremendously. I cut short an...

What is Biological Age, and Does it Tell Us Anything Useful?

HHave you ever noticed that some of your friends, who are the same age as you, might seem older? Maybe their hair has started graying before yours. Maybe they aren’t as fit and can’t keep up on more strenuous hikes. Maybe their skin shows more age and wrinkles. Two people can be th...

From Biological Learning to Artificial Neural Network: What’s Next?

Back in the beginning of the 21st century, when I studied for MBA at NYU Stern, one class I took was called Data Mining, which introduced many algorithms to “mine” the data, meaning to automatically find the meaning of the data for forecasts and decision making. The neural network was on...