Tag: bikes

Where do stolen bikes go?

Amsterdam is one of the most bike-friendly major cities in the world. That also means the city is a happy hunting ground for thieves, who steal tens of thousands of bikes per year — a substantial chunk of the estimated 850,000 or so that Amsterdam residents own. Which raises some questions. Wh...

Dublin Bikes — Explorative Analysis + Streamlit App

Streamlined Analysis by Station Volatility My initial objective was to grasp the ebb and flow of bike usage across each station. To do this, I turned to basic statistics to decode the level of activity at the stations. Specifically, I used the standard deviation of the capacity ratio (available b...

What Dublin Bikes data can tell us about the city and its people

My favorite way to practice and build my data science skills is to hunt for publicly available datasets online and analyze them to uncover interesting and human behavior insights from what can initially seem like administrative, even boring, records. Public authorities are increasingly sha...

Usage patterns of Dublin Bikes stations

I’ve been a long time user of Dublin Bikes since I came here over 5 years ago, and like many other users I have a mental model for of which stations are busy or quiet at various times of the day. My closest station is Portobello and I’ve found that bikes can be fairly hard to come by dur...