Where do stolen bikes go?

<p>Amsterdam is one of the most bike-friendly major cities in the world. That also means the city is a happy hunting ground for thieves, who steal tens of thousands of bikes per year &mdash; a substantial chunk of the estimated 850,000 or so that Amsterdam residents own. Which raises some questions. Where do all the stolen bikes go? Are they shipped elsewhere and sold? Tossed in canals? Or just reused in the city by other people?</p> <p>Now an MIT experiment, in collaboration with the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and Delft University of Technology, has found answers by equipping a fleet of Amsterdam bicycles with mobile trackers and following their whereabouts over time. It turns out that, at least in Amsterdam, the vast majority of stolen bikes remain in the local area. A substantial amount appear to get resold, meaning most simply keep circulating in the city&rsquo;s bike fleet, one way or another.</p> <p><a href="https://mitsap.medium.com/where-do-stolen-bikes-go-bfeda65ff292"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: stolen bikes