Usage patterns of Dublin Bikes stations

<p>I&rsquo;ve been a long time user of Dublin Bikes since I came here over 5 years ago, and like many other users I have a mental model for of which stations are busy or quiet at various times of the day. My closest station is Portobello and I&rsquo;ve found that bikes can be fairly hard to come by during mid-morning, but walking into town my chances of finding a bike would start increasing substantially. I wanted to understand this in more detail and find out if there are a handful of different behavioural types that all stations could be categorised into, and how this might vary around the city. The bikes are used mainly for commuting to and from work so it seems natural that some sort of spatial pattern would occur. As you can see from the map above it turns out that we can classify the stations into three different behavioural types and we get some pretty interesting results!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: bikes stations