Tag: behaviours

11 behaviours that make people respect you more

I’ve learned a lot about human behaviour through years of awkwardness. People don’t need to know very much about you to make a snap judgement about the kind of person you are. You can take advantage of this by making a few subtle shifts in your everyday behaviour. These will imp...

8 tiny behaviours that lose you respect

Watching people around me in everyday life is like peering into a continually-running documentary on human behaviour. It’s fascinating how simple behaviour shifts can profoundly influence how others perceive us. Taking an interest in this may seem superficial, but many can struggle unnec...

9 subtle behaviours that make people admire you

Being an awkward teen forced me to take a keen interest in human behaviour. People are quick to make snap judgements, and this is something we can take advantage of to strengthen our connections. A little extra awareness will change your life: 1. Emotional control. If you are quick to re...

11 behaviours that make people respect you more

I’ve learned a lot about human behaviour through years of awkwardness. People don’t need to know very much about you to make a snap judgement about the kind of person you are. You can take advantage of this by making a few subtle shifts in your everyday behaviour. These will imp...

How to measure and incentivize behaviours that matter

Over the years  I have seen some pretty horrendous performance and feedback structures. Long, wordy forms and documentation with open text fields, confusing questions, and impossible quantities of qualitative data to produce (and synthesize). Some of the performance review and appraisal proc...

5 Simple Behaviours that Attract People to You

Let’s face it, we all crave genuine connection. That magnetic pull towards people who make us feel seen, valued, and understood. We want to forge friendships that go beyond small talk, build relationships that spark joy, and navigate social situations with effortless ease. But what exact...