8 tiny behaviours that lose you respect

<p>Watching people around me in everyday life is like peering into a continually-running documentary on human behaviour.</p> <p><strong>It&rsquo;s fascinating how simple behaviour shifts can profoundly influence how others perceive us.</strong></p> <p>Taking an interest in this may seem superficial, but many can struggle unnecessarily without at least a basic awareness of the signals we transmit.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s take a look at a few:</p> <h1>1. Impatience.</h1> <p>Respectable people aren&rsquo;t in a hurry.</p> <p>If they were, something in their life is out of whack.</p> <p>You may hurry in an emergency, and that&rsquo;s fine, but if this becomes your normal, this signals to others, and yourself, that you&rsquo;re out of control. You need not be rushed.</p> <p>You know that you&rsquo;re far more efficient when you move at the speed of life.</p> <p>You are comfortable in your being able to handle what life throws at you with a relaxed sense of ownership.</p> <h1>2. Interrupting.</h1> <p>I see this happening at a seemingly increasing rate in the modern, distracted age.</p> <p>This is frustrating if I&rsquo;m speaking and you can&rsquo;t wait to interject with your opinion as I&rsquo;m talking.</p> <p>Yet this appears to be tolerated by many. The speaker might allow you to trample all over their comments, but deep down, they don&rsquo;t respect you for this.</p> <p><a href="https://iamalexmathers.medium.com/8-tiny-behaviours-that-lose-you-respect-7d21f68dfc9e">Visit Now</a></p>