9 subtle behaviours that make people admire you

<p>Being an awkward teen forced me to take a keen interest in human behaviour.</p> <p>People are quick to make snap judgements, and this is something we can take advantage of to strengthen our connections.</p> <p>A little extra awareness will change your life:</p> <h1>1. Emotional control.</h1> <p>If you are quick to react with anger, you lose respect. Avoiding this is to nurture what I call &lsquo;the Gap.&rsquo;</p> <p>Reactive people have tiny gaps, meaning they don&rsquo;t create any space between a triggering stimulus and their emotional response.</p> <p>Non-reactive people command tremendous respect because they have nurtured gaps wide enough to allow any tension in themselves to dissipate.</p> <p><a href="https://iamalexmathers.medium.com/9-subtle-behaviours-that-make-people-admire-you-1a08538b55fd">Visit Now</a></p>