Tag: Began

Rewilding Which Began in the Eighties Is Now More Than Ever, a Necessary Thing

Please take time to read and absorb the inspirational quote below. Maybe make yourself a nice cup of herbal tea. Now you’re well and truly ready. ‘The interior of the rain forest is overwhelming in its complexity. There is not a bare surface anywhere. Branches are hung with curtains o...

Week 8: Art, History, and Haggis Balls

My weekend in Edinburgh Scotland began on Thursday. After waking up late and skipping my alarm for class before my toilet exploded I began to realize that maybe someone was trying to send me a sign. Like always I didn’t listen…. and thank god for that. On Thursday morning around ten ...

What was it like when the first stars began to shine?

For perhaps as long as the first 100 million years after the start of the hot Big Bang, the Universe was devoid of stars. The matter in the Universe required just half-a-million years to finish forming neutral atoms, but stars would take much longer to form for a variety of reasons. For one, gravita...

What was it like when the first stars began to shine?

For perhaps as long as the first 100 million years after the start of the hot Big Bang, the Universe was devoid of stars. The matter in the Universe required just half-a-million years to finish forming neutral atoms, but stars would take much longer to form for a variety of reasons. For one, gravita...