Week 8: Art, History, and Haggis Balls

<p>My weekend in Edinburgh Scotland began on Thursday. After waking up late and skipping my alarm for class before my toilet exploded I began to realize that maybe someone was trying to send me a sign. Like always I didn&rsquo;t listen&hellip;. and thank god for that.</p> <p>On Thursday morning around ten minutes before my 9 am class (which was around a thirty-minute bus drive across town), I woke in a good mood only to realize that I woke up late and was going to miss my class. I shot out of bed stumbling to my bathroom in a haste. Now, my bathroom is not communal, I am lucky enough to actually have a bathroom in my bedroom. However, my bathroom is around the size of a camper bathroom with the same capabilities. I can use the restroom take a shower and wash my hands without moving an inch.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@Korryn_Plantenberg/week-7-art-history-and-haggis-balls-5357970476e4"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Scotland Began