Rewilding Which Began in the Eighties Is Now More Than Ever, a Necessary Thing

<p>Please take time to read and absorb the inspirational quote below. Maybe make yourself a nice cup of herbal tea. Now you&rsquo;re well and truly ready.</p> <p><a href=";q=The+interior+of+the+rain+forest+is+overwhelming+in+its+complexity.+There+is+not+a+bare+surface+anywhere.+Branches+are+hung+with+curtains+of+mosses+and" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>&lsquo;The interior of the rain forest is overwhelming in its complexity</em></a><em>. There is not a bare surface anywhere. Branches are hung with curtains of mosses and sprays of orchids dangle among them. Tree trunks are filmed over with algae, studded by giant ferns, and wound about with vines. Ants travel in convoys across the ground and up the trees, and metallic beetles glint in sun-flecks on the forest floor. The forest itself is richly textured, stems embossed with every manner of protuberance, leaves ornamented by spines and pleats, scales and fringes. Long shafts of sunlight cut through the dark canopy and catch the flash of iridescent butterfly wings before diffusing in the vegetation below.&rsquo;</em></p> <p>What picture does the quote conjure up for you?</p> <p>To me it&rsquo;s Nature at work. But it&rsquo;s also of a touch magic, reminiscent of a time when all-natural was a given, when Nature could easily do her job.</p> <p>I am truly touched by the description, a wonderful representation of Nature in action, of the ongoing wilding that quietly occurs, promoting life.</p> <p>Let me ask. Is your garden evolving or heavily structured?</p> <p>Most modern gardens evolve through blood, sweat and tears (and chemicals) in an effort to tame them into some sort of submission that produces the perfection we have been primed to honour.</p> <p>But the fact is, Nature was never meant to be subdued at our hands.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>