Tag: Baggage

He Travels Light While I Come With a Kid and Some Baggage

I’m torn between two worlds, each demanding my full attention. As a single, driven mom and entrepreneur, I’ve poured countless hours into building my empire, propelled by an unyielding pursuit of success. The world sees my accomplishments and supports what I do, but deep within, a silent...

The Heavy Baggage of Adulthood: What Makes It So Difficult

Becoming a grown-up is nearly impossible. I am convinced that most of us have never done it. Throughout human history, I mean. I am convinced that until now, most have us have gone from being children to parents to corpses all without actually crossing the threshold called “adulting.”...

Unclaimed Baggage

We each carry around baggage filled with dark, painful life experiences — choices made, words and actions spoken and perpetuated by others or even by ourselves. These things are easily believed fully in the darkness where they reside and hide, in the very depths of our wounded and ragged heart...

No Genetic Baggage

I don’t have a relationship with my blood family. Some connections were broken by me, and some by them. Either way, it was always for the best, and honestly, I don’t miss any of them, including those who have passed on. Some children become obsessed with the idea that they may have be...