He Travels Light While I Come With a Kid and Some Baggage

<p>I&rsquo;m torn between two worlds, each demanding my full attention. As a single, driven mom and entrepreneur, I&rsquo;ve poured countless hours into building my empire, propelled by an unyielding pursuit of success. The world sees my accomplishments and supports what I do, but deep within, a silent yearning stirs.</p> <p>Motherhood, a journey both awe-inspiring and challenging, has gifted me with a daughter whose existence brings me purpose. Her little ancient soul deserves love, attention, and the world, yet time seems to slip through my fingers like grains of sand. The weight of conflicting emotions bears heavily upon my heart as I yearn to give her all the time and attention she deserves, and yet my ambitions vie for my undivided focus.</p> <p>This pull between career and parenthood though experienced differently by women and men has created an overwhelming conflict within myself.</p> <p>Women have historically been assigned the primary caregiving role within the family. As a result, we often face greater pressure to prioritize our children&rsquo;s needs and sacrifice career aspirations. Men, on the other hand, have traditionally been expected to be the primary breadwinners, which can lead to a focus on career advancement with less societal pressure to prioritize parenting responsibilities.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/modern-women/he-travels-light-while-i-come-with-a-kid-and-some-baggage-546d2bf10087">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Baggage