The Heavy Baggage of Adulthood: What Makes It So Difficult

<p>Becoming a grown-up is nearly impossible. I am convinced that most of us have never done it. Throughout human history, I mean.</p> <p>I am convinced that until now, most have us have gone from being children to parents to corpses all without actually crossing the threshold called &ldquo;adulting.&rdquo;</p> <h2>Adulting is so hard. It fucking sucks.</h2> <p>For the purposes of this blog, I am not defining &ldquo;adult&rdquo; as a human who is pubescent or as a human who is of voting or drinking age. I am not defining adult as one who lives on their own or supports themselves financially, because most of us who do those things know that we feel just like terrified children who are also holding down a job or paying rent.</p> <p>For the purposes of this blog, I am defining adult as a human being who is free and clear, brave and utterly self-aware enough to stand on our own two feet and say, &ldquo;This is my life! It will be what I make it.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>