Tag: Awareness

Today is National Grief Awareness Day, and Here’s What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Grief

August 9th marked 15 years since my dad died. I could tell you that it was a difficult, or sobering day, but that would be a lie. It was instead a rather uneventful day. I didn’t even realize it was the anniversary until I looked at the calendar. I would not have believed you if you’d to...

What I Learned About Self-Awareness From Victims’ Interviews and How You Can Reach More Self-Awareness in Your Life

In my in-depth research for my thesis about self-awareness, I had the privilege of sitting down with war survivors, refugees, and victims of various calamities. In all my life’s interactions, nothing could have prepared me for the profound impact of their stories. These brave souls w...

Today is National Grief Awareness Day, and Here’s What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Grief

August 9th marked 15 years since my dad died. I could tell you that it was a difficult, or sobering day, but that would be a lie. It was instead a rather uneventful day. I didn’t even realize it was the anniversary until I looked at the calendar. I would not have believed you if you’d to...

Archangel Michael on the Age of Awareness

My good friend and talented psychic artist  Janinekeall  and I are embarking on a collaboration project. She is drawing portraits of the angels and each portrait will come with a special message that I will channel. There are so few images of the angels out there, and this will gi...

Leadership Self-Awareness and the Danger of the Cracked Mirror

As a leadership coach and educational instructor in graduate and undergraduate business management courses, I have had to address distortions in self-awareness that have damaged the leadership capabilities of otherwise effective managers. Self-awareness is the foundation for leaders to overcome s...

When Art creates awareness: Banksy and the thousand shades of Street Art

If I say Street Art, what comes to your mind? Graffiti. I’m sure that many of you didn’t take long to associate these two terms. For several years now, Street Art has invaded walls and public spaces, becoming a real socio-cultural phenomenon. People tend to consider more its ill...

Beyond Simulation: True Awareness in Disability Inclusion

Disability simulations might seem like a straightforward path to understanding. By artificially experiencing the challenges faced by disabled individuals, participants presumably gain insights into their lives. However, these exercises are often superficial and can inadvertently perpetuate stereotyp...

M.C. Escher’s Portrait of Self-Awareness

Claude Is a chatbot From Anthropic. This article contains a brief conversation that I had with Claude about the famous self portrait by M. C. Escher. Read More

Unraveling the Threads of Unconscious Bias: A Call for Awareness and Action

Unconscious bias, often referred to as implicit bias, represents the hidden and automatic attitudes or stereotypes that influence our understanding, actions, and decisions without our conscious awareness. Despite our best intentions, these biases can permeate various aspects of our lives, shaping ou...

Things you need to know before ordering shirts

Are you searching for shirts for men to buy them? Do you want to order shirts for men online? If you are ordering any shirts for men from the online store, then you should know some things that will help you buy shirts. In the online store, there are plenty of selections for men as well as women to ...

Pain Awareness == Suicide Prevention

Judging from all the articles I’ve found discussing the link between pain and suicide, the juxtaposition of these two awareness campaigns is a fortuitous coincidence, a chance to raise awareness of the potentially deadly consequences of poor pain control. Perhaps it can start some necessary...

3 Things to Know on Fentanyl Awareness Day

As we observe National Fentanyl Awareness Day on May 9, it is crucial to understand the dangers of fentanyl and its widespread impact on society. This synthetic opioid is responsible for countless lives lost and families torn apart. To help raise awareness, here are three essential things to k...

Mental Health Awareness and Support

Mental health recognition and help have grow to be increasingly more crucial topics, in particular in current years. Right here are a few key components of intellectual fitness recognition and help: Training and consciousness: increasing public know-how of mental health issues is vital for decrea...

Listening to Your Body: A Journey of Awareness and Self-Respect

Have you ever felt like your body is speaking a language you don’t understand? Have you ever wished you could decode the signals, truly understand what your body needs, and respond accordingly? Well, you’re not alone. In a world that often encourages us to ignore our physical needs and p...