Tag: Avoid

What is Memory Leak? How can We Avoid?

Inadequate memory management usually doesn’t have dramatic consequences when dealing with “outdated” web pages. As the user navigates through links and loads new pages, the page information is removed from memory on each load. The rise of SPA (Single Page Application) encourages...

How to Avoid Being Fooled by Model Accuracy

Background — Simple on the Surface The metrics used for gauging performance of classification models are fairly straightforward, at least from a mathematical standpoint. Nevertheless, I have observed that many modellers and data scientists encounter difficulty articulating these metrics, an...

How to Avoid Being Fooled by Model Accuracy

The metrics used for gauging performance of classification models are fairly straightforward, at least from a mathematical standpoint. Nevertheless, I have observed that many modellers and data scientists encounter difficulty articulating these metrics, and even apply them incorrectly. This is an ea...

4 Habits Confident People Avoid

Confidence is one of those things you can’t really get directly. You can’t just try to be confident any more than you can try to be happy. In fact, sometimes this direct approach to seeking confidence can backfire: You’re so worried about being more confident, tha...

If You Want To Avoid Shoulder Injuries for Life, Do These 5 Exercises

Back in 2020, I had a major shoulder injury that took me out of weightlifting for nearly 3 months. While this period came with lots of impatience and discouragement, the process of rehabbing from zero taught me so much about how our shoulders work. Most importantly, I became aware of the secret to m...

How to Avoid an Investing Mid-life Crisis

In the paper, “panic selling” is defined as a 90% decline in the balance of an investment account, of which at least 50% was due to the investor choosing to sell off assets. Say you had $100,000 invested, and the stock market went down 20% — leaving you with $80,000. B...

How to Avoid Financial Procrastination and Impulse Buys

Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today.” — Attributed to Wayne Dyer Imagine that I showed up at your office and offered to buy you lunch. I give you two options; Pizza or a salad. Most people would choose pizza and, in doing so, would...

Avoid return statements in Jetpack Compose!

It’s not the cleanest code, but it works fine in general, and it saves you from dealing with that annoying null initial value for the state variable, right? Well, not so fast! I’ve seen cases where code like this can result in that flow never getting new states, so, after th...

Stability in Jetpack Compose & Avoid Recomposition

After Jetpack Compose entered the lives of Android developers, our UI work became much easier. However, in some cases, if you do not have enough knowledge about Jetpack Compose, it can sometimes make your life miserable. When creating your UIs with Jetpack compose, you should not miss some things fo...

Android Dependency Inversion — Avoid rewriting your app

When we build mobile applications we love to rely on the external tools which simplify our work. HTPP or GraphQL clients, local storage, caching, camera, GPS, Bluetooth, analytics, payments and many other complex tasks are handled by the system APIs or popular 3rd party libraries. A big advantage...

Basement Remodeling Pitfalls to Avoid in Boston

Remodeling your basement is one of the most practical and economical ways to increase your home’s usable square footage. Whether your goal is to create a family room, an entertainment area, a bedroom and bathroom suite, or something else, basement renovations are generally less expen...

Four Mistakes to Avoid with 401ks

Let’s first talk about what a 401k is. When you sign that offer letter from your employer, they provide you certain benefits. If you’re fresh out of college, you would usually brush aside the stacks of papers they give you explaining what these benefits are. However, those benefits are v...

How to Avoid an Investing Mid-life Crisis

In the paper, “panic selling” is defined as a 90% decline in the balance of an investment account, of which at least 50% was due to the investor choosing to sell off assets. Say you had $100,000 invested, and the stock market went down 20% — leaving you with $80,000. B...

Avoid Lying Because It Will Destroy Your Faith:

A tradition From the Holy Prophet (saw) declares:“Beware I inform you regarding the greatest of the mortal sins: Associating anything with Allah, disobeying parents and lying!” A similar tradition has been quoted From Imam al-Hasan al-Askari:“All the evils have been locked in a ...

5 real life things Capricorns need to avoid in 2024

As the new year unfolds, Capricorns, known for their resilience and ambition, are set to face specific challenges that require careful consideration and strategic navigation. Here are five real-life situations to avoid for a prosperous and fulfilling 2024: Avoid noisy former co-workers in 202...

How to Avoid Corporate Blackwashing

Blackwashing is worse than tokenizing a few Black people. Blackwashing is a corporate strategy designed to paint a veneer of wokeness onto the institutional image. It’s an ill-advised approach that countless organizations initiated as a knee-jerk response to the murder of George Floyd and the ...

The Best Way Ever to Avoid the Blues

Rainy days are rare in San Francisco, my beloved hometown, where the streets go from quirky to beautiful, the views are stunning, and the urban walks are enticing. (Don’t believe the bad press; downtowns everywhere have problems.) Walking in San Francisco is my daily joy. But I take a rainy...