If You Want To Avoid Shoulder Injuries for Life, Do These 5 Exercises

<p>Back in 2020, I had a major shoulder injury that took me out of weightlifting for nearly 3 months. While this period came with lots of impatience and discouragement, the process of rehabbing from zero taught me so much about how our shoulders work. Most importantly, I became aware of the secret to maximizing stability at this joint for ultimate injury prevention.</p> <p>The secret lies in shoulder protraction or the act of separating the shoulder blades from each other. While we&rsquo;re often taught to squeeze them together during upper body movements, very few practice the opposite action. Yes, this is a subtle movement, but it can make all the difference in ensuring that you not only have a sufficient range of motion here but that the shoulder is supported by strong muscles that know when to engage at the right times.</p> <p>To bring you right in on how I rehabbed my injury, I want to introduce the graded progression program of shoulder movements that led me out of my chronic pain into strength and function once again. In less than a month I felt like a completely new person and I believe the same can happen to you!</p> <p><a href="https://davidliira.medium.com/if-you-want-to-avoid-shoulder-injuries-for-life-do-these-5-exercises-33ab545d88bd">Read More</a></p>