What is Memory Leak? How can We Avoid?
<p>Inadequate memory management usually doesn’t have dramatic consequences when dealing with “outdated” web pages. As the user navigates through links and loads new pages, the page information is removed from memory on each load.</p>
<p>The rise of SPA (Single Page Application) encourages us to pay more attention to memory-related JavaScript coding practices. As the application consumes more and more memory, it can severely degrade performance and even cause the browser tab to hang.</p>
<p>In this article, we’ll explore programming patterns that cause memory leaks in JavaScript and explain how to improve memory management.</p>
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<h1>What Is a Memory Leak and How to Spot It?</h1>
<p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:650/0*yyMUro0rbBqsV5M3.jpeg" style="height:400px; width:650px" /></p>
<p>Objects are kept in memory by the browser on the heap, while being accessible from the root directory through the reference string. Garbage Collector is a background process in the engine JavaScript that identifies inaccessible objects and deletes and restores the underlying storage.</p>
<p>A memory leak occurs when an object in memory intended to be cleaned up in a garbage collection cycle is accessed from root through a reference unintended by another remaining object. Keeping redundant objects in memory causes excessive memory usage in the application and can lead to degraded and poor performance.</p>
<p><a href="https://emma-delaney.medium.com/what-is-memory-leak-how-can-we-avoid-de11cedf9fb6">Website</a></p>