Tag: Autonomy

The engineering manager chronicles: Autonomy

In a series of a few posts I would like to share some of the insights I gathered in the last few years as an engineering manager, and some of the philosophies and methodologies that arose from them. Autonomy The one thing we all aspire to. Our team-members (here, when I am talking about a &ldq...

Swaraj​​: A lesson in Autonomy

The air shook with anticipation in the fertile valleys of the Sahyadri, a lush land caressed by morning mist amidst its emerald green canopy. Here, Maratha would make a defiant stand against the Mughals, the descendants of Genghis Khan. The Mughal emperor sent Kartalab Khan, who fielded an army of 2...

Will Bodily Autonomy Become the New Core Theme of YA Fantasy?

Inthe universe of The Quelling, when young people come of age, they must voluntarily report to a processing center where they surrender control of their bodies. Creatures known as the Rheman take control for a period of time. For the owner of the body, the experience is like going under the inf...

Body Autonomy Is Protected By The Constitution

Most discussions about abortion and choice center around whether or not a fetus is a full human being with the same or greater level of rights as an actual woman. When exactly a fertilized egg becomes a true “person” is a philosophical question that has a lot of nuances and no truly defi...