Swaraj​​: A lesson in Autonomy

<p>The air shook with anticipation in the fertile valleys of the Sahyadri, a lush land caressed by morning mist amidst its emerald green canopy. Here, Maratha would make a defiant stand against the Mughals, the descendants of Genghis Khan. The Mughal emperor sent Kartalab Khan, who fielded an army of 20,000 well-equipped soldiers. Kartalab led his troops into the thick forests of Umberkhind; on both flanks, the valley walls would act as a defence until he was ready to descend into Maratha land. Unknown to Kartalab, Shivaji and his men lay in wait. Shivaji, the revered warrior and tactician, prepared for battle.</p> <p><a href="https://bugmakyx.medium.com/swaraj-self-rule-a-lesson-for-everyone-992c0eab5987"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>