Tag: Audio

Audio Tracks in Timeline

In previous articles I looked at how to use Animation tracks and Activation tracks with Timeline in Unity. This article focuses on what you can do with audio using the Audio track option in Timeline. Timeline’s audio track gives us a bunch of features to incorporate an audio track into our ...

Spatial audio and player performance

Earlier this year, I wrote two articles on how to intentionally sound design a game to help players deal with in-game challenges. As some pointed out, I ignored the elephant in the room — the recent advancements in spatial audio that enable players to localize sounds with greate...

Ludic audio and player performance

In my post about ludic and narrative sound in games, I defined the ludic function of audio as the sound’s ability to help players overcome challenges and achieve their goals. If you’ve read my blog, you might know that I’m really into this topic. That’s why I’m sup...

4 Ways Mono Audio Lets You Multitask on your PS5

Squeezing in your PS5 alongside all the other things you need to do as a busy adult can be difficult. And even though Sony Playstation hopes gamers take advantage of their 3D Audio settings, they have released Mono Audio Settings. Where 3D Audio uses the tempest audio engine to simulate the ...

Pioneer Audio: The Evolutionary Tale of Sound Mastery

Sound is an ever-evolving journey. And for years, Pioneer audio system has been at the forefront, harmonizing technology and melodies. Dive into the legacy and innovation that makes Pioneer a legendary name in the world of audio systems. https://audio-dreams.business.site/ Beginnings: The Pion...

Listening to the Giants: Protecting Forest Elephants Through Audio Monitoring

In the dense rainforests of Central Africa, a captivating endeavor is underway, driven by researchers from Cornell University. Their mission? To track and protect elephants through the power of audio monitoring. These majestic creatures emit resounding rumbles at an incredibly low frequency, nearly ...

A Brief Introduction to Audio Description

A Brief Introduction to Audio Description I have been blind since birth, and watch movies with audio description (AD). Audio description is used in movies, television shows, live events, and more, to provide details about unspoken events unfolding within the material. Audio descriptions are recor...

Every Museum Can Create Audio Guides in house, for free.

In this three-part series, we’re going to show you that creating and offering audio guides is not as daunting as it may seem. One of the biggest challenges with audio guides is the time and resources required to make them, so you thought. We hear you, writing a script and getting approval a...

Part II: How to Create Inspiring Museum Audio Guides with Lou Giansante.

When writing kid/family tours, I’ve sometimes used two kids or teens as narrators, either as themselves or playing characters. Other times I’ve paired an adult with a kid. For instance a few years ago, I wrote a family tour for the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. The narrators are ...