Listening to the Giants: Protecting Forest Elephants Through Audio Monitoring

<p>In the dense rainforests of Central Africa, a captivating endeavor is underway, driven by researchers from Cornell University. Their mission? To track and protect elephants through the power of audio monitoring. These majestic creatures emit resounding rumbles at an incredibly low frequency, nearly imperceptible to the human ear. These deep calls, traversing vast distances, serve as a concealed communication network for elephants, veiled from our understanding for centuries.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*zg4EBQzYwL7DJwlu.jpeg" style="height:468px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Fortunately, technological advancements have granted us the ability to record and analyze these mysterious elephant rumbles. Over the past few years, a network of more than 50 recorders has been carefully planted across the heart of Central Africa&rsquo;s tropical rainforest, tirelessly capturing the continuous symphony of sounds these gentle giants produce. Yet, faced with such an immense volume of data, human efforts alone struggle to efficiently unearth valuable insights from this wealth of information. So that&rsquo;s where our AI Challenge comes in!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>