Tag: Asians

When Asians Only Hang Out With Other Asians

Growing up, I was exposed to a lot of different people of different races, cultures, and backgrounds, so I sought out companionship with people of different races and cultures. I think universal principles like unconditional love, kindness, and respect can make any friendship work, but I naturall...

I Used to Resent the Asian Girlfriends of White Men

I’m an older white woman, married, not looking for a lover, but for some inexplicable reason, I used to feel a little sting of resentment towards the Asian women I’d see in interracial couples around San Francisco. That white men were choosing Asian women for their partners felt like a p...

(South) Asians are Anti-Black — and I wrote a Book about It

It’s called Love & Prejudice: Unlearning Anti-Blackness as a South Asian. I talk about my own history of anti-Black prejudice and racism, and pull the curtain back on all the horrible nonsense I learned from my Indian community. I talk about my divorce, my healing, and my personal ...

10 Asian American Christmas Rom-Coms That Redefine Holiday Cheer

Let’s face it, the holiday season is a whirlwind of emotions. Amid the twinkling lights and festive cheer, there’s a profound craving for stories that mirror our diverse realities. That’s why today, I’m beyond excited to talk about something that blends holiday spirit with th...

30+ Ways Asians Perpetuate Anti-Black Racism Everyday

It would be a massive missed opportunity if we fail to make the connection between the stories of Amy Cooper and Tou Thao and our daily behaviors. It’s easy to dismiss these as isolated incidents perpetuated by “racists” — but none of this is just one...

The Ultimate Guide to Outsmarting Your Asian Parents

Ever felt like you’re walking a tightrope between honoring your Asian heritage and embracing your unique identity? You’re not alone. Navigating the delicate balance of tradition and individuality can be as tricky as trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube in the dark. But fear not, I’...

What is the origin of East and Southeast Asians?

East and Southeast Asians descend from the ancient prehistoric East Asian-related hunter gatherers, nomads and agriculturalists, also known as “East-Eurasian” or “Mongoloid” (sometimes also simply known as “Asiatic”). For a comprehensive summary see: Tao Z...

How Asian Parents Say ‘I Love You’ Without Actually Saying It

There’s an art form that is uniquely mastered by Asian parents. It’s delicate, intricate, and oftentimes so subtle you might not even notice it unless you’re looking. It’s the art of saying “I love you” without actually saying the words. It’s almos...

Why Some Asians Marry White: It’s Not Always What You Think (Part One)

I started my writing journey back in November 2017, solely an adoption writer hoping to confront race within the confines of transracial adoption and the American family. Like all great ideas, I built mine on 70% strategy and 30% whatever happens. As I took on this space, I didn’t feel I ha...

Hood Asians, Model Minority, and Black and White America

I’m not your model minority. I never have been, but people have assumed I am because I’m well-read, I’m well-spoken, and I write well. I often get mistaken for Chinese or Korean. At times, I’ve benefited from the model minority myth because people don’t see me as a thre...

Am I Racist Against Asians?

You don’t have to be beating the crap out of an Asian person to contribute to the problem. #StopAsianHate After reading the news this morning about not one but 2 major hate crimes against Asian Americans happening on the same day this week, wherein both scenarios bystanders just w...

Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Regina Shklovsky is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Sonoma County, California. She illustrated the 2018 picture book, Fun in the Mud, which was a 2019 Moonbeam award winner and a 2018 Nautilus award winner. She is passionate about bringing stories to life with pictures and thoughtf...

Internalized Racism Among Asians

Internalized racism, first, is not some biological or cultural characteristic of those who possess it. It is neither a consequence of weakness, ignorance, inferiority, psychological defect, gullibility, or shortcoming of those who possess internalized racism. It can not be reduced to one form or be ...

The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently…and Why [A Book Report]

In the integrated, interconnected and inter-dependent state of the modern world order, when it comes to subjects like human nature and human thinking, we tend to conceptualise as universalists. The writer of The Geography of Thought, Professor Richard E. Nisbett, was himself a self-pr...