How Asian Parents Say ‘I Love You’ Without Actually Saying It

<p>There&rsquo;s an art form that is&nbsp;<em>uniquely</em>&nbsp;mastered by Asian parents. It&rsquo;s delicate, intricate, and oftentimes so subtle you might not even notice it unless you&rsquo;re looking. It&rsquo;s the art of saying &ldquo;I love you&rdquo; without actually saying the words. It&rsquo;s almost like a secret code, embedded within everyday actions and seemingly mundane conversations. Today, we are about to unravel this enigmatic symphony.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s rewind for a second. Picture this: I&rsquo;m 10 years old, sitting at the dinner table, utterly unimpressed by the pile of veggies stacked on my plate. My mom, eyeing me from across the table, would matter-of-factly place another scoop of my favorite fried rice beside those veggies.&nbsp;<em>No sweet talk, no words of affection, just fried rice.</em>&nbsp;But, oh, what a loud and clear message that second scoop sent.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Asians Parent