Tag: Archaeologists

What Will Future Archaeologists Think of Us?

When archaeologists dig in the ruins of ancient cities, they face a difficult puzzle. As they sort through the remains of big things like buildings and small everyday items, they have to figure out what these things actually were and, more importantly, what they meant to the people of the ...

Saddest things ever discovered by Archaeologists

April 20, 1650, was buried Emme, the wife of Thomas Toplace, who was found delivered of a child after she had lain two hours in the grave. Imagine returning home after a business trip to find that not only had your pregnant wife died, but that only a few hours ago she had been hastily buried. Upon h...

How Archaeologists Plan a Field Trip

For most of us, “field trip” conjures images of bored teenagers shuffling through dusty museums. But for archaeologists, a field trip is an exhilarating adventure, a chance to step into the past and uncover its secrets. But before they unearth hidden treasures, meticulous planning is key...

Have Archaeologists Found the Oldest Canoes to Sail the Mediterranean?

The Mediterranean basin is one of the most historically significant regions in Europe. It is where civilizations shaping the culture and identity of the entire continent emerged. Recent findings by researchers indicate that the potential of the sea was recognized long before the establishment of the...

Have Archaeologists Found the Oldest Canoes to Sail the Mediterranean?

The Mediterranean basin is one of the most historically significant regions in Europe. It is where civilizations shaping the culture and identity of the entire continent emerged. Recent findings by researchers indicate that the potential of the sea was recognized long before the establishment of the...