What Will Future Archaeologists Think of Us?

<p>When archaeologists dig in the ruins of ancient cities, they face a difficult puzzle. As they sort through the remains of big things like buildings and small everyday items, they have to figure out what these things actually were and, more importantly, what they&nbsp;<em>meant</em>&nbsp;to the people of the past.</p> <p>Sometimes this task is pretty easy &mdash; we have a text that explains the objects to us, or we find something with an unmistakable purpose. The building with inscriptions to a god all over it is likely a temple. The building full of ovens is a place for making food.</p> <p><a href="https://worldhistory.medium.com/what-will-future-archaeologists-think-of-us-570c86d791a2"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>