Saddest things ever discovered by Archaeologists

<p>April 20, 1650, was buried Emme, the wife of Thomas Toplace, who was found delivered of a child after she had lain two hours in the grave. Imagine returning home after a business trip to find that not only had your pregnant wife died, but that only a few hours ago she had been hastily buried. Upon hearing the devastating news, Thomas Toplace rushed to the cemetery, hoping it was all just a joke or a nightmare. Sources claim he heard an infant&rsquo;s cry and began digging out the burial site. When her coffin was opened, it was discovered that she had given birth to a baby boy. He lived and was named Fils de la Terre which means &ldquo;Son of the Earth.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>