Tag: Aquarius

Pluto in Aquarius: 2023–2043

Pluto entered Aquarius on March 23, 2023 for the first time since 1798. It will stay in this fixed air sign for an incredible 20 years before shifting into Pisces. Pluto is a very slow moving planet, taking around 20 years on average to move through just one given sign and 248 years to move th...

Pluto in Aquarius: The Cry of Freedom

When Pluto personally visits something within our chart everything irrevocably changes. Which is why its transits are often feared. They are uncomfortable and that’s their purpose: in the comfort zone the familiar place we have been dwelling, our lives remain the same. And we work to maintain ...

The Revolution is Here: Pluto in Aquarius in 2024

The alignment of the stars in 2024 suggests that this year will be one of collective awakenings, extremes in weather, seismic activity, and many dramatic events. Now, when I say dramatic and seismic events, yes I do mean earthquakes, but more specifically the stars predict that we may even s...

Aquarius Horoscope 2024: A Year of Unstoppable Growth, Deeper Connections, and Unwavering Authenticity

As the year 2024 unfolds, Aquarius, the visionary and humanitarian sign of the zodiac, is poised to experience a remarkable period of innovation, connection, and personal growth. Guided by the benevolent influence of Uranus, the planet of change and revolution, Aquarians will have the opportunity to...

North Node in Aquarius— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, the North Node in Aquarius represents a point in your natal chart that signifies your soul’s evolutionary path and the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime. The North Node is always directly opposite the South Node, and together they form the Lunar Nodes. While the Sou...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius

Moon transiting Aquarius, Saturday, January 13th, inspires you to break your routine and broaden horizons, and as you do so, you will meet people who might become new friends, or you will discover something new (or see something old in a new way) which enriches your life, as the moon forms a square ...

Aquarius Horoscope for February 2024

Dear Aquarius, as February unfolds, the cosmic energies usher you into a month of innovation, intellectual exploration, and humanitarian pursuits. This month, the universe encourages you to embrace your unique perspective, seek out inventive solutions, and contribute to the collective well-being. Tr...

Leo and Aquarius Compare and Contrast: The Pompous Lion VS The Sadistic Robot

How does the proud Lion compare with the sadistic robot of the zodiac? There are so many nuances in astrology so for the sake of simplicity we will dissect the two energies. I want to emphasize that we are comparing how two individuals under these SUN  signs compare, contrast, and interact. The...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius

Moon transiting Aquarius, Friday, January 12th, activates changes in personal values, as well as an urge to be from the work and worry of the material and financial world as the moon forms a square aspect to Jupiter in Taurus. Yesterday’s New Moon in Capricorn set a somber and responsible tone...

What is the Age of Aquarius?

The term was first coined in 1730 by astrologer William Lilly, but it has been popularized through pop culture references such as “The Age of Aquarius” song from the musical “Hair.” According to astrology, an age occurs every 2160 years, when the sun moves into a new const...

Your Horoscope For The Year 2024

What’s going on next year, according to the cosmos? First, is that Pluto is continuing to do its dance between Capricorn and Aquarius. In March of 2023, Pluto entered Aquarius after remaining in Capricorn for the past fifteen years. It was a major transit! Due to retrograde...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini & Pluto Enters Aquarius

Moon transiting Gemini, and Pluto entering Aquarius, Saturday, January 20th, stimulates questions and thoughts of what the future will bring, tinged with curiosity, excitement, hope, shadowed by an undercurrent of worry, and a sense that some things which are familiar and comfortable will not last m...

Aquarius Season and the Shift of Pluto: A New Era Begins: Horoscope January 14, 2024 weekly Each Zodiac Sign

The sun represents our consciousness, vitality, and sense of identity. As it shifts into Aquarius on January 20, 2024, we all have the chance to embody and express the qualities of this visionary sign. Aquarius, as an air sign, looks beyond the current reality and offers a new way of thinking and be...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Aquarius

Moon transiting Aquarius, Saturday, January 13th, inspires you to break your routine and broaden horizons, and as you do so, you will meet people who might become new friends, or you will discover something new (or see something old in a new way) which enriches your life, as the moon forms a square ...