Pluto in Aquarius: The Cry of Freedom

<p>When Pluto personally visits something within our chart everything irrevocably changes. Which is why its transits are often feared. They are uncomfortable and that&rsquo;s their purpose: in the comfort zone the familiar place we have been dwelling, our lives remain the same. And we work to maintain that soothing place that familiarity that even though it doesn&rsquo;t satisfy (you know the place inside that is urging you there has to be something more) seems is good enough. And at one point in our lives, it was but now it has become a prison of our own making. A place where we reenact in some form over and over again a pattern within our lives, where we find ourselves in a familiar dance. This might be experienced through our relationships, addictions or perhaps you always seem to have either the boss or the client from hell. These are all examples of power struggles, one of the things that fall within Pluto&rsquo;s domain. We, our lives, are in essence a bird (a canary) singing in a cage.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pluto Aquarius