Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Gemini & Pluto Enters Aquarius

<p><strong>Moon transiting Gemini, and Pluto entering Aquarius</strong>, Saturday, January 20th, stimulates questions and thoughts of what the future will bring, tinged with curiosity, excitement, hope, shadowed by an undercurrent of worry, and a sense that some things which are familiar and comfortable will not last much longer, as the moon in a mutable air sign of imagination, community, and formative ideas forms a trine aspect to the sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, and a square aspect to Saturn in Pisces, while the sun and Pluto in a fixed air sign associated with humanity, technology, change, freedom, and the future form a sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces. The last time Pluto transited Aquarius, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution took place, and Uranus &mdash; the ruling planet of Aquarius &mdash; was discovered.</p> <p><a href="https://alohaastro.medium.com/daily-horoscope-moon-transiting-gemini-pluto-enters-aquarius-2e412e4501b4"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>