Tag: Approach

A Developer’s Approach to Identifying Jetpack Compose Usage in Apps

Lately, tech circles have been abuzz about the latest Instagram Threads App, with particular emphasis on the ChatGPT App, developed using Jetpack Compose. One might think the only way to confirm this would be through extracting the app and scrutinising the source code, comparing the XML...

How I Predicted the Rise in BTC Price: An Iterative and Experimental Approach with machine learning

In the uncertain world of cryptocurrencies, predicting Bitcoin’s next price move is a genuine challenge. In this article, I’ll walk you through how I built a robust machine learning model to predict the rise in BTC price. The heart of the system lies in two core functions of my code:&nbs...

Most Chicks Run Away When You Approach Them — These Ones Did the Opposite

They were one day old when I first got them. I bought around 24 of them. After weeks of preparation, I had a plan. I was going to be rich! And these chicks would be my golden geese. At the very least, their feathers looked golden. I had planned to start a golden chicken-churning proje...

An Object-Oriented Approach to Threat Detection Engineering

Prior to leaving home for college, I spent a summer working as a software engineering intern at Omya, an industrial company that produces calcium carbonate, a chemical commonly found in toothpaste, tissue paper, and paint. Omya’s entire plant was orchestrated and managed by a custom-written fa...

Modularised Navigation in SwiftUI — An Enum-based Approach

In iOS 16, SwiftUI finally allows us to properly encapsulate navigation without being forced to pass a ton of bindings or using NavigationLink directly in UI. One thing that always introduces additional challenges, though, is modularisation. In a best-case scenario, every module func...

Supporting Multiple Modals in React Native: A New Approach

This article was co-authored by Lucas Diez de Medina and Rui Lu, members of the Whitespectre React Native team. During an investigation for an app build, we noticed that the current React Native standard modal implementation is unable to manage multiple modals presented at the same time. Popular ...

Solving the Three Jugs Problem: A Precise Formulation and Algorithmic Approach

The Three Jugs Problem is a classic puzzle that challenges your ability to measure a specific quantity of water using three jugs of different capacities and a faucet. In this technical blog, we’ll delve into the problem formulation and explore a strategy to solve it. Problem Formulation ...

Do not interfere!! Approach with caution!!

Suddenly we are met with issues caused by ourselves. We may have said a certain word or words that may have hurt a loved one. Remorse settles in and we try to rectify the situation. We think that saying sorry will solve the situation…it doesn’t. It really doesn’t. Worry and anx...

Acquire a Happy Place to Work with a Strategic Approach by Happyness

Creating a happy and fulfilling work environment is crucial for the success and well-being of both employees and organizations. With Happyness Consulting, you can acquire a happy place to work by implementing a strategic and holistic approach. Happyness Consulting understands that a...

Say Goodbye to the “Sink or Swim” Leadership Approach

All too often, new leaders are put in a “sink or swim” situation, thrown into the deep end of leading a team, and left to figure out for themselves how to stay afloat. While this approach can test and build resilience, it is generally not considered an effective or responsible method ...

Unleashing Leadership Potential: Andrew Tate’s Inspiring Approach

Leadership is a vital quality that empowers individuals to influence and inspire others towards a common goal. Andrew Tate, a notable figure, exemplifies a dynamic leadership style that combines charisma, determination, and an unyielding drive for success. In this article, we will explore the key as...

Say Goodbye to the “Sink or Swim” Leadership Approach

All too often, new leaders are put in a “sink or swim” situation, thrown into the deep end of leading a team, and left to figure out for themselves how to stay afloat. While this approach can test and build resilience, it is generally not considered an effective or responsible method ...

Unleashing Leadership Potential: Andrew Tate’s Inspiring Approach

Leadership is a vital quality that empowers individuals to influence and inspire others towards a common goal. Andrew Tate, a notable figure, exemplifies a dynamic leadership style that combines charisma, determination, and an unyielding drive for success. In this article, we will explore the key as...

Sony’s Effortless Approach: Alleged Look Of PlayStation 5 Slim

 Approach: Alleged Look Of PlayStation 5 Slim The Afronomist · Follow 2 min read · Aug 14   1         The concept of a slimmer version of PlayStation has been consistent since the PS1, extending throug...

Value Investing Using Python & Azure — Approach and Methodology

In my previous article, I explained how and why I started identifying myself as a value investor. This time, I’d like to briefly tell you about my approach to spot undervalued stocks. I use a mixture of 2 methodologies. Joel Greenblatt’s...

DevSecOps Approach with Terraform and CI/CD Pipelines

A DevSecOps Approach with Terraform and CI/CD Pipelines DevSecOps integrates security practices into DevOps workflows. By shifting security left, organizations can reduce risk and deliver secure infrastructure and applications faster. I will demonstrate a DevSecOps approach using Terraform for...

Tormented Rapper Virgil’s Devil And His Evil Approach To Rap

One of the most alluring aspects to this artist is the amount of trauma they’ve endured, from physical abuse and witnessing various deaths to being arrested and even investigated by the Australian Federal Police for possession of firearms. I came into contact with Devil after seeing him perfor...

A different approach to time

Modernity rhymes with hurry and eagerness. An institutional bulimia that pushes us to always produce more. We must not waste time. But why? Jean de La Fontaine wrote as long ago on the subject. Why chase time when you can make the most of every moment? In this most productivist of societies, ther...

Who is Responsible for Climate Change? — A Graphical Approach

So, here I was, minding my own business and teaching myself the basics of quantum computing when I enrolled in IBM’s global quantum summer school this August, it’s an intensive course, so one has to really immerse oneself to understand the basics, I was reading various blogs and articles...

A Buddhist Approach to Getting over an Ex.

Although I didn’t deliberately enroll in the course to get over my ex, it indirectly helped me deal with the breakup. In the Mind and Life dialogues, the Dalai Lama refers to Buddhism as “the science of the mind.” I couldn’t agree more. From my ow...

7 Pillars of Hinduism

Our beliefs determine our thoughts and attitudes about life, which in turn direct our actions. By our actions, we create our destiny. Beliefs about sacred matters-God, soul and cosmos-are essential to one’s approach to life. Humans live their life based on the deep seated beliefs they hold....

The Thinking Style That Gives Autistic People A Different Approach

When I was at university, writing essays was a special kind of struggle. I would eventually manage to complete them, and sometimes did quite well. But I always suspected that I laboured over them more than was necessary, or at least more than others did. I thought it was just my anxiety compellin...

A DIY Approach to Tech — my Tech journey…

I did my entire schooling in a Special school — with every kid (including myself) — having various types and degrees of disability. Back in our school days, we had absolutely no access to Technology. There was no internet, no smartphones nothing. In the mid 80’s — TV was the ...

Telegram and its gender-role website approach

I’ve been working with technology for the last 15 years. I finished my Bachelor's in Computer Science and then studied my ass off to pass an exam to get a “secure and stable job” in the Public Sector as an IT analyst. I got the job and it paid well at that time. I was workin...

Shaping Inclusive Foresight: A Fun, Educational Approach

UN Global Pulse wants to make futures and foresight thinking as accessible as possible for everyone. That means creating tools and approaches anyone can apply to help them imagine a better future — for the UN and the world. At the end of November, UN Global Pulse introduced one such tool, c...

How to approach Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for your startup.

In the early days of building a company it can be difficult to focus on DEI in addition to everything else. It is possible though to take conscious steps towards building a diverse company with an inclusive culture without derailing your broader vision. A sensible approach to DEI for a seed-stage st...

Automate Your Law Firm: The AI Approach

Automate Your Law Firm: The AI Approach Welcome to the future of law! In this article, we will explore how artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionize your law firm and automate various tasks. With advancements in technology, AI has emerged as a game-changer for the legal industry. By leveragi...

Proof of Impossibility of Trisection of a given Angle: a Fundamental Algebraic Approach

Since our middle school or high school years, we have learned that by using only a compass, which can only transfer a known length, and a straight edge, which can only draw a straight line, one can not trisect a given angle. This old truth was found in the early years of Greek geometry, but it is on...

DeepMind AlphaGeometry: From Synthetic Data to Human-readable Proofs: AlphaGeometry’s Game-changing Approach

This is a short summary of the publication in Nature: AlphaGeometry is a theorem prover for Euclidean plane geometry that uses a neural language model to guide a symbolic deduction engine through challenging problems. It synthesizes millions of theorems and proofs across different levels of compl...

America’s Opioid Crisis: Adopting an Ecosystem Approach

Onan industrial side street in Providence, Rhode Island, down by the train tracks, below the freeway, an effort is underway to pull lives back from the precipice of America’s opioid epidemic. Early next year, if all goes according to plan, a safe space for people who use drugs will open the...

Psychedelics: The Blessing and the Curse of a Scientific Approach

In my opinion Psychedelics are one of the most important frontiers of human understanding right now. It is a strange fact of history that they have been eclipsed and banned when their use has been so widespread, prevalent and foundational to human societies, but here we are. The unknown is to be fea...

Why The Gender Topic Is So Polarizing: A Jungian Approach

In short: Some people think that the gender concept evolves with time, other people think that it’s a fundamental, unchanging truth. Why do we have such a gap with two distinct contrasting views? I might as well rephrase this question to: Why does half of the population resist the idea t...

“Exploring the Differences: How H&M and Zara Approach Fast Fashion”

One of the key differences between H&M and Zara is the way they design and produce their clothing. H&M relies heavily on outside designers and suppliers to create their clothing collections, which allows them to produce a wide range of styles at low costs. ...

How to approach your Artisans.

Honestly I was also trying to re-understand the topic one would presume I already know. And as I learnt more perspectives, my take on this was changing. But I am ready now. The relationship between an artisan and designer is a unique one. It’s a very close partnership of sorts, built on a l...

Refold/Mass Immersion Approach: Spanish ~4-6ish Month Update

Background: The mass immersion approach(MIA) is a language-learning method based on the input hypothesis developed by linguist Stephen Krashen. The input hypothesis basically states that language is acquired through exposure to comprehensible input. Improvement comes from when you advance your compr...

Refold Approach to Language Learning: Spanish ~1100-Hour Update

Started to output! Reached 1100 hours of immersion. Realized the importance of consistent immersion in maintaining language level. Realized how far I have to go in terms of vocabulary. It’s been a while since my last update, life always seems to get in the way of Spanish. Luckily Spanish al...

Refold Approach to Language Learning: Spanish ~800-Hour Update

This is my sixth update for my Spanish learning journey with the refold approach. For my first update see here. For my second update see here. For my third update see here. For my fourth update see here. For my fifth update see here. For more information about the Refold app...

Refold/Mass Immersion Approach: Spanish ~400-Hour Update

This is my second update for my Spanish learning journey with the refold approach. For my first update see here. For more information about the Refold approach see here. General Progress Reached 400 total hours of immersion. Finished my first non-translation book. Reached level 5 und...

Refold Approach to Language Learning: Spanish ~900-Hour Update

Reached 900 total hours of immersion. Continued to immerse in chosen focus areas (history and historical fantasy). Recovered from a long hiatus away from language learning. Greatly improved Audiobook comprehension. Started Outputting. For reasons unrelated to language learning, I had to step away...