Tag: Anyway

Belonging Scares Me but Here I Am Anyway

It occurred to me recently that finding my place amongst my tribe of people where I feel welcomed and wanted is unsettling. Makes me uncomfortable. Could be because of my divorce and going through the detachment from someone I thought was forever. The sting of rejection knowing I was...

You Hate Funerals. Go Anyway

“I love funerals!” said no one ever I doubt even morticians say that. At least, not out loud. For the rest of us, there is no “fun” in funerals. That holds true even when they’re called something else, like “memorial” or “celebration of life.”...

What’s It All About Anyway

No matter how old we are, no matter how smart we are, how rich we are, or which country we live in, we humans always come around to the same question at some point in our lives. What exactly is life all about? Like what’s the point? Where does it all end up? Why are we even here? Everybody ...