Belonging Scares Me but Here I Am Anyway

<p>It occurred to me recently that finding my place amongst my tribe of people where I feel welcomed and wanted is&nbsp;<em>unsettling</em>.</p> <p>Makes me&nbsp;<em>uncomfortable.</em></p> <p>Could be because of my divorce and going through the detachment from someone I thought was forever. The sting of rejection knowing I was no longer loved or wanted.</p> <p>And the many other prospects that followed after who eventually fell away either mutually, by my choice, or theirs.</p> <p>Then there are the friendships I cultivated where I bared my heart and soul, sharing the deepest secrets.&nbsp;A safe place I once retreated to but later discovered I was misunderstood and judged.</p> <p>I often feel like a lonely traveler, wherever it is I&rsquo;m headed. I&rsquo;ve been part of something and also separated. I get along well, I&rsquo;m easygoing and enjoy the company.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Scares Anyway