What’s It All About Anyway

<p>No matter how old we are, no matter how smart we are, how rich we are, or which country we live in, we humans always come around to the same question at some point in our lives. What exactly is life all about?</p> <p>Like what&rsquo;s the point? Where does it all end up? Why are we even here? Everybody wonders, but nobody knows for sure, and this is a universal constant that stretches across all borders, boundaries, and societies.</p> <p>We hope, we pray, and we meditate, each of us in our own way.<br /> We wonder and worry and puzzle about finding the answer to this question. We fret and we fuss, we gamble and we ramble, we hem and we haw, but the bright words never come.</p> <p>The right words, the ones that will explain the mystery, satisfy our curiosity, answer our questions, and resolve the riddle always elude us.</p> <p>But it is a question without an answer, a riddle with very few clues, this mystery we all so desperately want to solve.</p> <p>It is baffling, mysterious, elusive, maddening, and yet irresistible. We all so desperately want to know the answer to the meaning of life.</p> <p>We need to know if all of our hard work, and all of our prayers, sacrifices, and efforts are worthwhile. That if we live the good life, we will be rewarded in the next life, whatever form that will take.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/whats-it-all-about-anyway-f3fcf4e640c5"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Anyway