Tag: Animals

Kindness towards Animals

Once upon a time in a little town, there were two special friends named Alina and Aryan. They are special because of their kindness and love for animals. Alina had a big heart and loved to help others. One day, she found a hungry and scared dog named Lucky on the street. Alina and Aryan decided t...

Animals Are Dying, Can Art Help?

With the death of the last male white rhinoceros, and the news of giraffes becoming endangered, the irreparable damage that we have caused to bio diversity on earth is becoming a very real concern. Future generations will only see pictures and videos of animals we have seen. Forests will be torn dow...

10 of the Best Organizations to Follow That Help Endangered Animals

Who are they: The International Rhino Fund have been funding and operating rhino conservation programs for the last 25 years to ensure the survival of rhinos. Their major operations are in Africa and Asia, where most of the rhino species live. They have their horns in to stop poachers! ...

The Most Endangered Animals in India

India is home to a rich diversity of wildlife, with over 500 species of mammals, 1,300 species of birds, 700 species of reptiles and 2,000 species of fish. However, many of these animals are facing the threat of extinction due to habitat loss, poaching, climate change and human-wildlife conflict....

By ‘helping’ wild animals, you could end their freedom or even their lives — here’s why you should keep your distance

For anyone who enjoys nature, summer is a fascinating time to be outside. Animals are on the move: Turtles are nesting, baby birds are testing their wings, snakes are foraging and young mammals are emerging. In central Pennsylvania, where I live, last year’s hatchling painted turtles have o...

Are There Any Dangerous Wild Animals in Finland?

Bears and wolves can attack and even kill people, however, they avoid humans when at all possible. Both are, though, occasionally sighted in Finnish urban areas. Bears can be found all over Finland (except on the Åland Islands). The largest populations are in eastern and central Finlan...

15 Most Famous Wild Animals of Australia

Australia is home to a variety of animals and plants. Some of the most iconic animals we have here are the kangaroo and koala in addition to the echidna, platypus, dingo, wallaby and wombat. The list of well-known wild animals of Australia The Cane Toad Source: National Geographic Kids ...

Animals in my Forest

A flock of wild turkeys. The first time I saw the flock of wild turkeys on a walk (both them and me), I wondered if they were owned by one of my neighbors but had got out of their cage. My suburbanity showing. But no, we’ve got a couple dozen wild turkeys around. Most often I see a whole bunch...

Skinny Animals: Unveiling Nature’s Slim Wonders

The animal kingdom is an expansive realm filled with extraordinary creatures that captivate our imagination. Animals come in all shapes and sizes, just like humans, and today, this post will explore a curated list of 20 skinny animals found in the animal kingdom. These skinny creatures can be obs...

50 of the World’s Most Gorgeous Photos of Animals

Earlier this year, the photography app Agora challenged photographers to submit photos of living creatures from around the world for a contest focused on celebrating the diverse and precious life on our planet. More than 13,000 photos were submitted to the contest before the winner —...

Can You Name These Animals?

I’ve had fun creating quite a few quizzes for several animals over the last few months. However, I’ve changed the format to highlight a unique fact about an animal while providing a list of four options for each question. Good luck!! 1) Capable of sleeping for up to 22 hours a day to ...

Do Solar Lights Keep Animals Away

Lights have a profound effect on the natural world, influencing the behavior of animals, pests, and bugs in ways that can range from harmless to harmful. From the bright lights of cities to the low-intensity glow of solar lights in rural areas, lights play a significant role in shaping the nocturnal...

Five little-known facts about animals that will make you the life of the party

If you’re like me, you might find social interactions a bit awkward, even painful at times. Walking around a room full of people, unsure of who to talk to or what to discuss, can feel as if you’re navigating a group of highly self-confident and judgmental teenagers — not a pleasant...

“The Surprising Benefits of Keeping Wild Animals as Pets”

Wild animals are often associated with danger, but in some cases, keeping wild animals as pets can be surprisingly beneficial. From learning about different species and developing new skills to providing social and emotional support, these furry friends can provide many advantages. First, owning ...

Why We Are All Animals and Why They Are More Human Than Us

In the vast realm of animal communication, words are not necessary to express deep love. Animals, lacking the articulate language that characterizes humans, have mastered the subtle art of nonverbal communication, weaving emotional linguistic bonds that defy explanation. Caresses represent one of...

Can Animals and Birds Truly Sense your “Vibes”?

Okay! Then, let’s start with today’s hot topic, “Vibes.” What is a vibe? Have you ever gone deeper to know what exactly it is? However, we usually say that “her vibes are very good. How do we predict that? Confused? Let’s clear it out. It is a body sensor that ...

Electric Eels’ Shocking Ability To Alter The Genetics Of Nearby Animals

Electric eels are truly amazing creatures. They can produce enough electricity to run a kitchen dishwasher or to light up your Christmas tree, but now we’ve found that their electric pulses can also alter the genetics of nearby aquatic creatures. Yes, you read that correctly. This shocking dis...


Prehistoric Animals that are Still Alive Today Ever since the first discovery of dinosaur fossils, people have been captivated; wondering what life would be like if prehistoric animals and humans co-existed. Who isn’t gripped by the thrilling concept of a giant lizard predator chasing them ...

Are Animals More Human Than Us?

In the vast realm of animal communication, words are not necessary to express deep love. Animals, lacking the articulate language that characterizes humans, have mastered the subtle art of nonverbal communication, weaving emotional linguistic bonds that defy explanation. Caresses represent one of...

Homo Sapiens : Why don’t we consider ourselves animals?

Throughout the world, many people don’t choose to believe that they are animals. In fact, we tend to think of ourselves as humans or humankind, other creatures such as tigers and dolphins as animals, and squash or lettuce as vegetables or plants. In this arti...